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Van gogh

 Vincent van Gogh, born in 1853, is a Dutch painter, one of the most important post-impressionist painters who produced more than 800 paintings, drawings and self-portraits that were sold only after his death, his career was quite late since he started painting when he was only 27 years old without any academic training but still being self-taught he developed his style of painting and managed to stand out. To this day he is considered one of the best painters in the world since he transformed the way of seeing the painting in addition to his marvelous works. One of his most recognized paintings is "The Starry Night" of 1889, "The Potato Eaters" of 1885, "Self-Portrait" of 1889 and many more. Personally I like van Gogh for his way of expressing through the subtle stain, the vibrant colors and also the way he shows the lights in his works. One of his works that for Ami is my favorite is the "almond blossom" the background c

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